CfP: Unobtrusive Observations of Learning in Digital Environments

An edited volume by

Vitomir Kovanovic (University of South Australia, Australia), Roger Azevedo (University of Central Florida,USA), David Gibson (Curtin University, Australia) and Dirk Ifenthaler (University of Mannheim, Germany and Curtin University, Australia)

to be published by Springer, Cham


This book seeks to integrate foundational ideas from psychology, immersive digital learning environments and game-based learning supported by theories and methods of the learning sciences, particularly in pursuit of questions of cognition, behavior and emotion factors in digital learning experiences. New and emerging foundations of theory and analysis based on observation of digital traces are enhanced by data science, particularly machine learning, with extensions to deep learning, natural language processing and artificial intelligence brought into service to better understand higher-order thinking capacities such as self-regulation, collaborative problem-solving and social construction of knowledge.

As a result, the edited volume will present a collection of indicators or measurements focusing on learning processes and related behavior, (meta-)cognition, emotion and motivation, as well as social processes. In addition, each section of the book will include an invited commentary from a related field, such as educational psychology, cognitive science, learning science, etc.

The following presents a tentative table of contents including sections and possible key areas of the included contributions:

  • Section on Indicators focusing on behavior
    • Modelling student behavioral engagement
    • Measuring engagement with multimodal data
    • Commentary from Learning Design or Learning Science
  • Section on Indicators focusing on cognition and metacognition
    • Measuring learning from text
    • Learning strategies
    • Metacognitive prompts and personalized scaffolding
    • Commentary from Psychometrician or Cognitive Science
  • Section on Indicators focusing on emotion and motivation
    • Affect detection methods and techniques
    • Emotions and ITS
    • Emotion regulation in collaborative learning
    • Measuring motivation from hypertext
    • Commentary from Educational Psychology
  • Section on Indicators focusing on social processes
    • Modelling dynamics of social processes
    • Linguistic analysis of student collaboration
    • Group cohesion
    • Commentary from Computational Social Science

Call for Proposals

If you are interested to contribute to the book project, we are asking you to submit a chapter proposal, including title, authors, affiliations, abstract describing the content of the chapter (max. 300 words), five keywords, three key references and a description of how the chapter fits the theme of the book, no later than 15 February 2022.

Please submit the chapter proposal no later than 15 February 2022 as a single PDF document including all required information using the online submission form:

All submissions will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review who will recommend full submissions from among the proposals. Accepted chapters shall not exceed 8,000 words, including references, figures, and tables. Specific guidelines will be made available after 15 March 2022.


  • 15 February 2022: Proposals due including title, authors, affiliations, abstract, keywords, references, theme
  • 15 March 2022: Notification and additional information for accepted authors
  • 15 July 2022: Draft chapters of max 8,000 words due
  • 01 September 2022: Chapters returned with reviewers’ comments
  • 01 October 2022: Final chapters due

Please use the following link for your inquiries and submissions:

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