Ifenthaler, D., & Schumacher, C. (2019). Implementing learning analytics for supporting students. Paper presented at the Strategies beyond borders – transforming higher education in a digital age, Berlin, Germany, 09-12-2019.

Ifenthaler, D., & Yau, J. Y.-K. (2019). Higher education stakeholders’ views on guiding the implementation of learning analytics for study success. Paper presented at the ascilite Conference, Singapore, 03-12-2019.

Parkin, E., Huband, S., Ifenthaler, D., & Gibson, D. C. (2019). Study progression, success and program component selection. Paper presented at the ascilite Conference, Singapore, 05-12-2019.

Huband, S., Parkin, E., Gibson, D. C., & Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Improving return on investment in higher education retention: Leveraging data analytics insights. Paper presented at the ascilite Conference, Singapore, 03-12-2019 

Vuthaluru, R., Kerrigan, S., Ifenthaler, D., & Gibson, D. C. (2019). Evaluation of course design and learner behavior with Sankey Diagrams. Paper presented at the Australian Learning Analytics Summer Institute, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 29-11-2019.

Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Tracing the educational evolution: ten years of research on MOOCs. Keynote presented at the openHPI Forum, Potsdam, BB, Germany, 28-11-2019. 

Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Digital Workplace Learning. Was ist das was kann das und wie bereichert es die betriebliche Ausbildung? Keynote presented at Deutscher Ausbildungs­leiter­kongress, Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany, 26-11-2019.

Kerrigan, S., Feng, S., Vuthaluru, R., Ifenthaler, D., & Gibson, D. C. (2019). Network analytics of collaborative problem-solving. Paper presented at the CELDA Conference, Cagliari, Italy, 09-11-2019. 

Vuthaluru, R., Feng, S., Kerrigan, S., Ifenthaler, D., & Gibson, D. C. (2019). Visualising learner behaviours with network graphs and sankey diagrams. Paper presented at the 10th International Science, Mathematics & Technology Education Conference, Reduit, Mauritius, 06-11-2019. 

Ifenthaler, D., Schumacher, C., Kim, D., Muljana, P. S., Zhu, M., & Tawfik, A. (2019). Learning Analytics: Intersections with ID, research, and practice. Panel presented at the AECT International Convention, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 23-10-2019. 

Egloffstein, M., Kögler, K., & Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Instructional design quality of business MOOCs – Findings from two studies. Paper presented at the AECT International Convention, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 23-10-2019. 

Delcker, J., & Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Mobile game-based language assessment. Paper presented at the AECT International Convention, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 23-10-2019. 

Roll, M., & Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Learning factories and their impact on developing multidisciplinary digital competencies. Paper presented at the AECT International Convention, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 23-10-2019. 

Schumacher, C., & Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Why trace data fail to inform learning outcomes. Paper presented at the AECT International Convention, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 23-10-2019. 

Roll, M., & Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Implikationen von Lernfabriken für die Entwicklung digitaler Handlungskompetenz und die Umsetzung von Lernortkooperation. Paper presented at the Jahrestagung der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, Graz, Austria, 27-09-2019. 

Schumacher, C., Schultheis, J., Aprea, C., & Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Einsatz von Prompts im Kontext ökonomischer Bildung am Beispiel der Altersvorsorge. Paper presented at the Jahrestagung der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, Graz, Austria, 27-09-2019. 

Schumacher, C., & Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Pilotierung einer Webanwendung zur Unterstützung von Schulen bei der Medienentwicklungsplanung. Paper presented at the AEPF-Tagung, Münster, NRW, Germany, 17-09-2019. 

Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Gelingensbedingungen für die Implementation von Learning Analytics an Hochschulen. Workshop presented at HRK nexus: Digitaler Wandel in Studium und Lehre, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, RLP, Germany, 13-09-2019. 

Schumacher, C., & Ifenthaler, D. (2019). When prompts do not support learning outcome and learning analytics fail to provide useful information. Paper presented at the EARLI Conference, Aachen, NRW, Germany, 12-08-2019. 

Schumacher, C., Tai, J., Boud, D., & Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Investigating and improving students’ feedback literacy using trace data for writing assignments. Paper presented at the EARLI Conference, Aachen, NRW, Germany, 12-08-2019. 

Ifenthaler, D., & Yau, J. Y.-K. (2019). Higher education experts’ views on learning analytics policy recommendations for supporting study success: a German case. Paper presented at the EdMedia Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 25-06-2019. 

Voogt, J., Knezek, G., Christensen, R., Tondeur, J., Ifenthaler, D., & Eickelmann, B. (2019). Core themes in the second international handbook of information technology in primary and secondary education: A bird’s eye view. Paper presented at the EdMedia Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 27-06-2019. 

Egloffstein, M., Ebner, B., & Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Digital Learning from scratch: Initiating MOOCs within a Business School. Paper presented at the EMOOCs, Napoli, Italy, 20-03-2019. 

Ifenthaler, D., Gibson, D. C., & Zheng, L. (2019). Investigating attributes of engagement in digital learning environments. Paper presented at the AERA Anual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada, 08-04-2019.

Schumacher, C., & Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Investigating self-regulated learning prompts using learning analytics. Paper presented at the AERA Anual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada, 08-04-2019. 

Egloffstein, M., Kögler, K., & Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Instructional quality of Massive Open Online Courses in the field of Business Administration. Paper presented at the AERA Anual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada, 07-04-2019. 

Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Change management for learning analytics: Sustainable innovation in productive higher education environments. Keynote presented at the Sino-German Symposium on AI-supported Educational Technologies, Wuhan, China, 26-03-2019. 

Uth, S., Roche, J., Haberzettl, S., Pagonis, G., Weidinger, N., Behrens, H., Delcker, J., Draxler, C., Eichholz, M., Faidt, S., Hasselhorn, M., Ifenthaler, D., Jessen, M., Kapica, N., Kecker, G., Klein, W., Madlener, K., Meyer, C., Schug, M., Skoruppa, K., Terrasi-Haufe, E., Thissen, F., & Woerner, W. (2019). Potentiale von Serious Games zur objektiven Messung produktiver Sprachkompetenzen. Paper presented at the 7. Bremer Symposion zum Sprachenlernen und -lehren, Bremen, HB, Germany, 28-02-2019. 

Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Implementation of learning analytics in productive systems. Paper presented at the LEARNTEC, Karlsruhe, BW, Germany, 29-01-2019.