Ifenthaler, D., Cooper, M., Heil, J., & Mascia, L. M. (2024). Demystifying the power of generative artificial intelligence tools in higher education: International students’ perspectives [Paper presentation]. ascilite Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 02-12-2024.
Plintz, N., & Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Evidence-based content design and validation for cybersecurity games [Paper presentation]. CELDA Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, 28-10-2024.
Xing, X., & Ifenthaler, D. (2024). A systematic review on the effectiveness of educational technologies in workplace learning [Paper presentation]. CELDA Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, 27-10-2024.
Delcker, J., Heil, J., Ifenthaler, D., Seufert, S., & Spirgi, L. (2024). First-year students’ AI competence and facilitating conditions as predictors for ChatGPT usage in higher education [Paper presentation]. AECT International Convention, Kansas City, MO, USA, 22-10-2024.
Egloffstein, M., & Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Formative design of a cross-contextual training module for fostering educational cooperation through digital technology [Paper presentation]. AECT International Convention, Kansas City, MO, USA, 22-10-2024.
Heil, J., & Ifenthaler, D. (2024). The student perspective: Examining experiences and preferences for bring-your-own-device (BYOD) online assessment in higher education [Paper presentation]. AECT International Convention, Kansas City, MO, USA, 19-10-2024.
Heil, J., Ifenthaler, D., & Cooper, M. (2024). AI-tools as a support of assessment for learning [Paper presentation]. AECT International Convention, Kansas City, MO, USA, 21-10-2024.
Hemmler, Y., & Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Designing adaptive learning environments for continuing education: Stakeholders’ perspectives on interventions [Paper presentation]. AECT International Convention, Kansas City, MO, USA, 21-10-2024.
Scherb, F. K., & Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Recommender system for continuing vocational education courses [Paper presentation]. AECT International Convention, Kansas City, MO, USA, 22-10-2024.
Schumacher, C., & Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Students’ behavioral reactions to generic, specific, and adaptive specific prompts [Paper presentation]. AECT International Convention, Kansas City, MO, USA, 20-10-2024.
Mao, J. J., Kucirkova, N., Ifenthaler, D., Rossi, P. G., Fujimoto, T., & Garavaglia, A. (2024). National policies and educational technology in six countries: Changes in post-covid times [Panel]. AECT International Convention, Kansas City, MO, USA, 21-10-2024.
Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Learning analytics: Promises, evidence, and future directions [Keynote presentation]. LernMINT, Hannover, Germany, 30-09-2024.
Kögler, K., Egloffstein, M., & Ifenthaler, D. (2024). KI-bezogene Professionalisierungskonzepte in der beruflichen Lehrkräftebildung: Implementierung von Online-Bildungsressourcen in der Hochschullehre und Konsequenzen für das Kursdesign [Paper presentation]. Digitale Transformation für Schule und Lehrkräftebildung gestalten, Potsdam, Germany, 30-09-2024.
Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Toward reciprocal human-machine-partnerships for learning and teaching [Keynote presentation]. The era of artificial intelligence and the merging of human and machine: new perspectives on humanistic and socio-pedagogical knowledge, Alghero, Italy, 20-09-2024.
Gössling, B., Ifenthaler, D., Ostendorf, A., & Seufert, S. (2024). Lernortkooperation mittels Data Science und Künstlicher Intelligenz neu denken – Design und Evaluation eines Online Kurses für Akteure aus der Berufsbildung [Poster presentation]. Jahrestagung der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, Dresden, Germany, 16-09-2024.
Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Die “KI-getriebene” Berufsbildung: Von der Vision zur Realität – Herausforderungen und Handlungsempfehlungen [Keynote presentation]. BBFK 2024, Innsbruck, Austria, 04-07-2024.
Azevedo, R., Gentile, M., Ifenthaler, D., Sancassani, S., & Hernández-Leo, D. (2024). Artificial Intelligence and (human) Learning [Open debate]. SLERD 2024. 9th conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development, Troyes, France, 27-06-2024.
Egloffstein, M., & Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Digitale Weiterbildung für den öffentlichen Sektor. Mit dem eGov-Campus zum Kompetenzturbo [Paper presentation]. Learntec, Karlsruhe, Germany, 06-06-2024.
Hemmler, Y., Rasch, J., & Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Adaptive learning environments for effective learning support in continuing education [Paper Session]. Learntec, Karlsruhe, Germany, 06-06-2024.
Heil, J., Egloffstein, M., & Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Student perspectives on online assessment in higher education [Paper presentation]. AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 14-04-2024.
Hemmler, Y., Ifenthaler, D., & Rasch, J. (2024). Evaluation of a learning analytics intervention to support self-regulated learning in online continuing education [Poster presentation]. AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 14-04-2024.
Hemmler, Y., Martin, F., Gezer, T., & Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Best practices for conducting systematic reviews: Perspectives of experienced systematic review researchers [Roundtable presentation]. AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 14-04-2024.
Chen, L., & Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Examining digital entrepreneurship competence within an online training program [Roundtable presentation]. AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 13-04-2024.
Plintz, N., & Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Empowering children online: A holistic skills framework for cybersecurity [Paper presentation]. AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 12-04-2024.
Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Large Language Models und Betrugsverhalten in Bildungskontexten – Welche Forschungspotenziale ergeben sich für die empirische Bildungsforschung? [Panel]. 11. GEBF-Tagung, Potsdam, Germany, 19-03-2024.
Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Selbsttests, Lernverhalten und Leistung in der Hochschulbildung. Einblicke aus digitalen Verhaltensspurdaten und Selbstberichten [Discussant]. 11. GEBF-Tagung, Potsdam, Germany, 19-03-2024.
Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Leading (Digital) Change? Die Rolle der Schulleitung bei der digitalen Transformation von Schulen in Deutschland und der Schweiz [Discussant]. 11. GEBF-Tagung, Potsdam, Germany, 18-03-2024.
Ifenthaler, D. (2024). From discourse to action: navigating AI’s role in higher education [Keynote presentation]. Life@Lab – Horizons of AI Research in Higher Education, Dresden, Germany, 25-01-2024.
Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Learning Analytics als Treiber für Change Prozesse an Hochschulen [Invited presentation]. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik, Virtual Presentation, 11-01-2024.